-dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Pengasih-
hokey! lamanye pun x membersihkan habuk2 halus kat ruangan post blog ni. aha! rupa2nya aku pernah ada blog...xperasan la. nak cita apa ya? alahai, lama sgt x menulis idea pun suda kering...
lagi seminggu nak present untuk FYP 1...keje? baru 20%...die die, slide xwat lg, solidwork pun jahil lagi, mimic punya software pulak dah tersangkut, bone pun ada lopng2 lg...aqilah2 apa nak jadi ni oi.
Test DSP 2
tadi test DSP, pergh soalan punya main simple tp nak jawab kering otak aku, yg si john hantar awal2 kenapa tah, dapat fullmark pulak tu, bangga Dr. Musa canang masa aku tgh fokus jawab. cis!! terus gelabah... ada ka patut buat camtu... pasni sila lah deal dengan jawapan aku yg macam cacing kerawit... huh!
Status Cinta
pergh...ini pun mau cita ka? hahaha xda keja langsung..ok dah bosan menulis...papai
~hati yang tenang jangan disangka tiada calar~

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
-dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah dan Maha Pengasih-
Sekarang ni dah masuk 8 oktober bersamaan 3 zulhijjah.. Alhamdulillah masih mampu meneruskan kehidupan tanpa kecacatan yang boleh menganggu aktiviti seharian.
Sekarang ni rasa nya semua coursemate tengah stress ngan fyp diorang kot. Aku? haha malas nak fikir rasanya. Masa minta tajuk dan SV tu aku xtahu pun yg SV aku tu timbalan dekan yg akan busy memanjang. Semangat ja aku filter abis SV2 yg aku rasa xleh ngam dan akan busy memanjang, alih2 terlepas juga yang ni. Tapi nak wat camna kan, kita merancang sehebat mana pun Allah jua yang menentukan. So far ni aku ok je ngan Sv aku, walopun dia agak busy tp aku chill jer. Lagi dia busy lagi aku suka, xyah nak meeting sgt. haha Tapi satu je la, aku kena berdiri sendiri la nampaknya dan terpaksa lah tebal muka utk refer kat senior2 yg sama bidang ngan tajuk fyp aku ni. hurm...
2 hari lg nak test DSP, haha dan aku relax menaip sbb tiba2 baru tringat aku ada blog...haha sweet x? dlu rajin la menaip, skang ni...entah lah, ikut mood la... lg pun xda apa sgt nak cita...baik aku simpan saja... malas dah nak luah2 last2 skali bukan ada perubahan sgt pun...hurm... kalau jangka hayat aku singkat, agak2 probability nak masuk syurga dengan cepat tu tinggi x? Tu pun kalau aku pergi dengan membawa identiti seorang muslim... kita xtahu apa yg future hold... ada org nmpk alim, tp xsemestinya dimasa hadapan dia masih alim, dan ada org nampak huha sana huha sini, tp xsemestinya kelak di masa depan dia masih berhuha lagi... aku harap walaupun dengan secebis iman yg sebesar zahrah aku mampu memancing rahmat ilahi... kerana dengan rahmatnya la kita dapat merasai kemanisan syurga di sana. apa yg perlu ialah berusaha lagi walaupun sekarang ni sampan keimanan yang aku naiki terlalu byk lubang2 yg perlu ditampal sebelum aku tenggelam di lautan duniawi...
-dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah dan Maha Pengasih-
Sekarang ni dah masuk 8 oktober bersamaan 3 zulhijjah.. Alhamdulillah masih mampu meneruskan kehidupan tanpa kecacatan yang boleh menganggu aktiviti seharian.
Sekarang ni rasa nya semua coursemate tengah stress ngan fyp diorang kot. Aku? haha malas nak fikir rasanya. Masa minta tajuk dan SV tu aku xtahu pun yg SV aku tu timbalan dekan yg akan busy memanjang. Semangat ja aku filter abis SV2 yg aku rasa xleh ngam dan akan busy memanjang, alih2 terlepas juga yang ni. Tapi nak wat camna kan, kita merancang sehebat mana pun Allah jua yang menentukan. So far ni aku ok je ngan Sv aku, walopun dia agak busy tp aku chill jer. Lagi dia busy lagi aku suka, xyah nak meeting sgt. haha Tapi satu je la, aku kena berdiri sendiri la nampaknya dan terpaksa lah tebal muka utk refer kat senior2 yg sama bidang ngan tajuk fyp aku ni. hurm...
2 hari lg nak test DSP, haha dan aku relax menaip sbb tiba2 baru tringat aku ada blog...haha sweet x? dlu rajin la menaip, skang ni...entah lah, ikut mood la... lg pun xda apa sgt nak cita...baik aku simpan saja... malas dah nak luah2 last2 skali bukan ada perubahan sgt pun...hurm... kalau jangka hayat aku singkat, agak2 probability nak masuk syurga dengan cepat tu tinggi x? Tu pun kalau aku pergi dengan membawa identiti seorang muslim... kita xtahu apa yg future hold... ada org nmpk alim, tp xsemestinya dimasa hadapan dia masih alim, dan ada org nampak huha sana huha sini, tp xsemestinya kelak di masa depan dia masih berhuha lagi... aku harap walaupun dengan secebis iman yg sebesar zahrah aku mampu memancing rahmat ilahi... kerana dengan rahmatnya la kita dapat merasai kemanisan syurga di sana. apa yg perlu ialah berusaha lagi walaupun sekarang ni sampan keimanan yang aku naiki terlalu byk lubang2 yg perlu ditampal sebelum aku tenggelam di lautan duniawi...
Sunday, September 22, 2013
aku rindu
-dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah dan Maha Pengasih-
aku rindu.....
dah hampir masuk 2 minggu aku tinggalkan bumi ilmenau, tapi asyik teringat ja kat tempat tu.kebarangkalian 3 bulan itu sudah cukup lama untuk membuat bonding yang kuat dengan tempat itu. hurm. tapi sekarang aku kena berpijak dibumi yang nyata, jauh dari khayalan lamunan. cukuplah mimpi untuk membawa aku kembali ke sana buat masa ini. kalau aku banyak duit, confirm aku pergi balik tempat tu macam ulang alik melaka-johor tapi apakan daya, duit der...duit...
baru sedar dah berhabuk lama aku tak tulis kat sini, haha busy kemain. skang ni pun tgh busy gak, busy printing. mentang2 la print dah kembali ok, kemain aku print macam2. hahaha ni nasib baik xprint satu album gambar2 kat ilmenau. huhu
ngantuk dan malas tulis, so papai... assalamualaikum. :P
-dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah dan Maha Pengasih-
aku rindu.....
dah hampir masuk 2 minggu aku tinggalkan bumi ilmenau, tapi asyik teringat ja kat tempat tu.kebarangkalian 3 bulan itu sudah cukup lama untuk membuat bonding yang kuat dengan tempat itu. hurm. tapi sekarang aku kena berpijak dibumi yang nyata, jauh dari khayalan lamunan. cukuplah mimpi untuk membawa aku kembali ke sana buat masa ini. kalau aku banyak duit, confirm aku pergi balik tempat tu macam ulang alik melaka-johor tapi apakan daya, duit der...duit...
baru sedar dah berhabuk lama aku tak tulis kat sini, haha busy kemain. skang ni pun tgh busy gak, busy printing. mentang2 la print dah kembali ok, kemain aku print macam2. hahaha ni nasib baik xprint satu album gambar2 kat ilmenau. huhu
ngantuk dan malas tulis, so papai... assalamualaikum. :P
Friday, June 28, 2013
masak2 yeehaa
~masakan itu satu keunikan yg kita coraki~
Assalamualaikum diary mayaku, dah lama x taip2 kat sini.. Semenjak duk kat sini pergh rajin memasak... Tp ketua chef kita chef razlin la... saya ni mc rancangan masakan je, asalnyer model tp wat part time jadi pengacara rancangan masakan untuk meluaskan lagi pengalaman untuk memasak kelak. *dah start merapu dah*
so meh kita imbas kembali resepi2 masakan kita hari tu yer..
-air of coz sbb nak masak nasi kan....
-rempah sup
1. rebus ayam dalam rice cooker, dah 80% ayam masak, angkat. air rebusan simpan.
2. masak nasi guna air rebusan ayam, jangan lupa simpan skit air rebusan utk sup kita nnt..dan campur skali ngan butter secukup rasa dalam nasi.
3. siapkan ayam, gaul dengan kicap ala2 perap gitu, then goreng, dah masak angkat
4. untuk sup, kita tumis bawang bagi wangi macam lavender, then masukkan air rebusan ayam, rempah sup, kaco2, then masukkan kubis dan carrot, masak badi dia lembut sbb nanti tercabut gigi palsu jemah kang...
5. agak2 dah masakk sup tu, jangan lupa letak garam yer, nnt tawar pula..pastu angkat
6. hidangkan semuanya...nasi, ayam goreng kicap, sup sayuran, dan letak sepiring sos tomato...siyes sedap!!
-sambal mama (refer previous pot)
-rempah sos tomato yg slalu guna untk wat pasta
-ayam dipotong dadu
-bawang putih n besar
-carrot dipotong dadu
1. rendam ayam bagi lembut dan potong isi bentuk dadu atau heart
2. masak macaroni smpai agak2 lembut bleh makan
3. tumis bawang putih, bawang besar dengan minyak
4. dah sedap bau, masukkan ayam...then dah masak skit masukkan sambal mama
5. tambah air kalau nampak pekat, then masukkan rempah sos tomato dan carrot.
6. toskan macaroni, then letak dalam tempat bakar yg bersesuaian, then masukkan kuah kita tadi tu..
7. carik2 kan cheese dan letakkan atas acuan kita tu byk mana yg kita nak
8. bakar dalam oven smpai kita rasa mcm dah cari cheese tu... tada!!
ini saja resepi yg sy ingat, maafkan saya.. insyaAllah bertemu lagi diwaktu yang sama, dan hari yang sama dalam rancangaaaaan "masak2 dengan i yang cantik, pewit!"
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
For today, we had a brief meeting with Prof _____. He
introduced our supervisor and also given us our topic. As for me, I have a
slight changes from my previous topic which is “Cornea Image Analysis” to
“Measurement of retinal straylight”.
It is quite funny at first as I did not heard clearly what
he said and I thought my topic is measurement of retinal straigtlight, because
the pronunciation for both of them are quite a same for me. XD As I went back
to my room and checking on my topic that I realized I had misunderstood my
topic. =,=
My topic is a new topic which cannot be search randomly in
internet or other places (that is what he said). So frankly, I feel very
nervous and afraid I could not carry out my task well enough. My supervisor (
Stefhen Srcamm) said that he had been doing this researched for about 4-5
years. And it isn’t work really well yet. And he did said he is lucky to have
someone to help him now. Dush Dush!! I
already feel the stress now. So I really need to do lots of reading on this
topic so that the upcoming Thursday I will have a confident to discuss with him
about out topic.
He won’t be around for tomorrow so we are going to see each
other again this Thursday. I guess I don’t need to update my log book for tomorrow isn’t it? XD
That is all from now
May Allah Bless Us All
Monday, June 17, 2013
Es ist funf uhr
funfungfunfzwig vormittags. (^_^) it is
5:55 am in Germany but it looks like 8 am in Malaysia. The sunrise is around 4.30am plus2, that’s
why although it is 5 am, it’s look like 8am in Malaysia. So heute gonna be the
first day of our class. *feeling nervous*
Although im in ilmenau, yet I still listening to olmana
olmana. Haha I have not go through today yet, so let me share some experience I
gained for these 2 days living here. Malaysian people who travel to country
like this always said that their toilets were sooo clean that we can sleep on
the floor but in Malaysia, the toilets were so dirty that you won’t be a able
to step in in certain toilets. Huhu
And for somehow, I think we can have a clean floor like them
if we diminish the water pipe but provide them a bottle to refill water. So we
won’t have excess water flow and dirty toilet as the ‘toilet-er’ (new words
from Aqilah’s dictionary) will use the amount of water wisely and would not
spill it on the floor. Thus we won’t have a dirty floor due to wet floor which
will be easily become dirty when we step on it using our dirty shoes. Now please count how many word dirty have I
used? Hehe
Oh ya, before this my friend who was studying in Australia
told me that her hostel mix the boys and girls in one hostel. So they also
going to share the bathroom. And I am experiencing it right now. It is quite
‘renyah’ (difficult) at first but Allah provides us with ‘akal’ (ability to
think) so I already found few ways to handle this problem. For your information the bathroom wall is 85%
transparent and couldn’t be locked. Dush dush!!! So yes or no, I need to wear ‘kain batik’
while bathing. Then I need to hang clothes around the wall to make my personal
bathroom curtain. The last thing which is so important is ‘doa’ for safety.
Only Allah can provide us safety so pray and ask for his protection is a must
in doing everything in our life.
It is 2.29am in Malaysia but 8.30pm in Germany. Sun still
have few distances before disappearing itself again. We went out at about
8.45pm to meet Junaid (the person in-charge to handle us here). We need to
bring with us a pillow with quite a huge size, comforter, and blanket to return
them at another building, House A. So and again we becoming an attractive
object here as people were looking at us, wondering what the fish were we doing
with all of those things. :p
We went to the office, the place to return all these things,
but the person that we need to meet wasn’t there so we just leave it at
Junaid’s place and he will help to return them later.
The ‘special’ part that I really ‘’’like’’’ here is we need
to walk (faster) to our faculty which the distance is about from from Kolej Perdana to FKBSK old building –
p23. Huhu
Then we went to Netto, one of small super-market near our
house and did some shopping which cost me and ain 13,69 euro. Please multiply
4.17 to convert it in Ringgit Malaysia. huhu There were lots of interesting goods but I need to carefully choose by checking at
their ingredient. So the famous words that need to be known in deutsch were
pork and alcohol. I haven’t remember them yet but I’ll soon.
The supermarket there require us to bring our own bag, they
will cost us 20$ per each plastic bag. Alhamdulillah, I did bring my own
shopping bag from Malaysia. Hehe and it quite huge too. BUT I’ll need a lots of
energy to bring them home after shopping plus I am living in 4th
floor. T_T
Junaid’s friend volunteered to show us the city but I was
too tired then I refused to go. Then I spent my evening sleeping from 3pm till
7pm. At last I could sleep without feeling rushing to wake up for some event.
Due to changing time of solat, I could not decide when to sleep and when to be
awake. As isyak time is around 11.38pm, hence I will feel asleep a wake up
after isyak is over as subuh time is around 2.45am. T_T now is already 11.15pm,
need to wait 30minutes before go to bed. Huhu so sleepy… <>_<>
Oh ya, before I end my writing, we ate nasi goring serunding
for dinner. It is ‘lecker’ for me (*delicious*) but for others member I don’t
know. Haha
-sambal mama (masak blended cili kering,bawang, minyak,
-nasi putih of course
Steps ;
Panaskan sambal mama, then bila dah percik2 tu,
masukkan telur.
Kacau2 sampai telur masak t
Masukkan nasi dan kacau2 lagi
Tambah kicap dan kacau2 lagi
Tambah serunding dan kacau2 dan bila dah Nampak
macam dah masak bleh tutup api.
Lapik lantai dengan surat khabar atau kain
Letakkan kuali/pan tadi dan makan ramai2. (^_^)
Ok, that’s all from
May Allah Bless Us All. :*
Sunday, June 16, 2013
The solat time here are so different with Malaysia.
Subuh - 2.44 am plus minus
Zohor - 1.18 pm plus minus
Asar - 5.39 pm plus minus
Magrib - 9.32 pm plus minus
Isyak - 11.38 pm plus minus
There is only 3 hours gap between isyak and subuh, and 2
hours gap between magrib and isyak which is difficult for me to handle as I
will fall asleep after magrib and wake up when it is subuh time already. T_T so
I need to sleep around 12pm and be awake at 3 am. Huhu
Ok, for today activity, we had breakfast at my place when
amalina came with milk, bread and
nutella-to-be. After breakfast, we strolled around the place at 10am.
The temperature was 11 degree celcius although the sunlight was direct on us.
We ate lunch at an asia restaurant and before went back to our hostel we stop
to eat icecream at one of icecream café there. I couldn’t help myself and
ordered kaffee icecream. Hehe but I think I can make it myself as they just
pour in coffee into a glass, add in vanilla icecream and cream. That’s
all.. so
easy!! And it cost me 3euro. Hahaha
At 3pm, amalina went back to her place. I forgot the place’s
name as it was so difficult to pronounce it. After meeting with some of people
here, I guess it is better for us to learn and be able to speak deutsch because
most of people here cannot speak English. Dush dush!!!
That is all from now
May Allah Bless Us All (^_^)
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Alhamdulillah, we safely arrived Frankfurt International
Airport around 7am (time in Germany). Manaf asked his friend to be our personal
‘tour guide’. ^_^
Then we went to Frankfurt Main Station by train to meet Dr.
Eko. He brought us all to have breakfast at one of sandwich stall. The breads
are so hard to chew but luckily I could finished it all as I am so hungry at
that time. After finished eating, we strolled around Frankfurt for about 2
hours plus.
We took 2 trains , a bus and a taxi to reached our House D
in Ilmenau. Fuh! We did struggle a lot to transfer our luggage train by train.
Alhamdulillah the people there help us but not all of them. Some of them just
ignore us. I was touched by an old man aged around 50++ willing to help us to
get the our bags out from the train one by one.
For another train we were helped by a handsome young man (hehe). There
were a lots of man outside the train only him willing to help us. But when it
comes to manaf, they just let him handle his bags himself. Hahahaha
Due to lack of energy, we dozed off after we reached our
That is all from now
May Allah Bless Us All
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